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WIOA Adult and Dislocated Workers

WIOA Adult and Dislocated Workers
As a local workforce development board, Workforce Partnership receives funding to provide both basic level services to all job seekers and intensive services to adults who are low-income, who have been laid off and/or who have specific barriers to employment.  Our Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs are “intensive” programs and provide a wide range of services and funding for eligible participants to assist them with their employment goals.  Individuals can receive both “Basic Services” (which are available to anyone regardless of income, lay off status or residency AND “Intensive Services” (which are only available to enrollees of the Adult/Dislocated Worker Program).  If you would like to receive assistance in establishing and reaching your career goals, whether that includes needing training/education or simply targeted resume and job search assistance, please reach out to one of our workforce centers and they can assist you in taking the first steps!


1. Basic Services:

    • Initial skills assessments (literacy, numeracy and English language)
    • Resume development
    • Job search assistance and resources
    • Workshops
    • Labor market information
    • Referrals to other programs and services

2. Intensive Services:

    • In-depth career counseling and comprehensive assessments, including IEP
    • Pre-vocational services – interviewing/soft skills
    • Classroom training and education, paid work experience, on-the-job training – at no cost
    • Can receive supportive services such as bus passes, child care, work clothing, etc.

The Adult Program eligibility is primarily based on income. Workforce Partnership can enroll individuals who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, with some exceptions. Individuals must also be residents of Johnson, Wyandotte or Leavenworth Counties and they must document eligibility to work in the United States.

The Dislocated Worker Program eligibility is based on layoff status.  Workforce Partnership can enroll individuals who have been laid off from work through no fault of their own, regardless of their income level prior to layoff. Individuals must either be residents of Johnson, Wyandotte or Leavenworth Counties or laid off from a company located in those counties, and they must document eligibility to work in the United States.

Teresa Clardy

Primary Contact

Teresa Burton
Site Manager/Program Manager