Young Adult Services Dynamic Futures
Exploration Leads to a Plan….A Plan Leads to Reality!
Young Adult Services
Young Adult Services is a NO COST program of Workforce Partnership for eligible young adults ages 16-24 seeking to gain work experience, enter the job market and plan for or launch a career.
Looking for a Summer Employment Internship Opportunity? Want to learn workplace skills and earn a paycheck? Click here for the Youth Program Application.
- Are you ready to enter the job market?
- Do you know what kind of job you want?
- Do you have the skills and knowledge to obtain that job?
- Are you in need of help or support preparing a resume’?
- Are you ready for an interview?
- Don’t know where to start and need a little guidance from someone who knows the workforce landscape?
Dynamic Futures might be right for you if any of the following applies:
- You are 18-24 years old with a high school diploma or equivalent and NOT attending school.
- You are a college student under the age of 25 nearing completion of a certificate or degree program, or you are a recent graduate of a college or Job Corps program.
- You are under the age of 25 and attending an adult education program and nearing completion of a high school diploma or GED.
- You are at least 16 years old and a high school student needing assistance with staying on track to complete school?
What can Dynamic Futures do for you?
- Teach you how to market your skills to potential employers and help you identify job opportunities you may qualify for now.
- Provide opportunities to engage in work-based training, work experience, On-The-Job Training (OJT) or a paid internship to gain experience, learn new skills and earn money.
- Provide resources to help you identify potential career options you’re interested in pursuing and guidance on “next steps”.
- Provide job readiness training for resume writing, interview skills and more.
- Provide you with honest, objective feedback about your level of employment readiness to help you compete for and keep a job.
- Provide one year of follow along support after your employment goal is reached.